Post by: Laura Berry
4th year student at College of the Atlantic
50 metres up in the air, the island of Samsø unfolds below
us as we cling to the top of the wind turbine. From up here, you can tell why
the people of Samsø have utilized the power of the wind for centuries – in the
past to mill grain, and now to generate enough electricity to power the entire
island. As the wind whips across my face and the turbine sways below me, I’m
the happiest I’ve been in a long time.
My journey to Samsø was more stressful than expected – a
delayed plane from London meant that even though I eventually arrived in Copenhagen,
my backpack did not. Disconcerted from the jet lag and the sun shining at 9PM,
I stumbled off of the ferry wondering if this week would end up being all about
the technology that allowed Samsø to become the world’s 100% first renewable
energy island.
What I didn’t expect – or let myself hope for – was the way
that the staff at the Energy Academy and the other people we met talked about
the transition not as a matter of technology or market economics, but as a long
process through which a community of normal people worked together and
eventually embraced renewable energy as a positive thing in their lives.
I’ve known for a long time that sustainability isn’t only about
the energy you consume or the amount you recycle. Although reducing consumption
is key to environmental sustainability, the only way to help people become conscious
of their effect on the environment requires them to reconnect both to the
places and to people around them. But especially in the context of climate
change and the pressing need to reduce carbon emissions from our energy system,
it’s difficult to explain to people that sustainability isn’t an ends, but a
means – and the only process through which long-term change is possible.
Samsø and the work of the Energy Academy is a proven example
that top-down, government or corporate sustainability efforts will never be as
effective or long-lasting as projects that are decided upon and owned by a
community. As we explored the island over the week, it became clear to me that
Samsø represents a way that people used the framework of environmental, social,
and economic sustainability to truly make their lives better – and isn’t that
the entire point?
At the same time, without the leadership of “firesouls” like
those at the Energy Academy, and the supportive institutions and legislation of
the municipality, the Danish government, and the EU, it’s very likely Samsø’s
energy transition would have never been possible.
As I looked out across Samsø’s agricultural landscape now
dotted with wind turbines, it became clear that even when located on an island,
communities will never be able to completely isolate themselves from global
issues. Especially in the context of climate change, these problems can only
truly be solved effectively and equitably on a local scale by normal people who
care about the places and people around them. But in order to be successful, we
have to be willing to use economics and policy, not just technology, as tools
to help encourage different and creative solutions that work because of the
people who live there, not in spite of them.